Emily Prosser: Pros And Cons Of Becoming A Vegetarian

Sunday 8 February 2015

Pros And Cons Of Becoming A Vegetarian

Today I wanted to address some issues that people may have with wanting to become a vegetarian or wanting a little bit of information about the positive points and some of the negative points by choosing this way of life. 

Being a vegetarian is viewed both ways, it can either be a bad thing or a good thing. Younger people may consider becoming a vegetarian but are constantly aware of the consequences and issues it could bring regarding family life. I am my a vegetarian myself but I have thought about it on numerous occasions and thought it would be a nice topic to touch upon as it can be sensitive to some people. 

So what exactly is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. In this day and age animal products can be found everywhere which is why so many people are converting themselves and becoming vegetarian, you can even find animal produce in sweets!! 

Anyway here are my pros for becoming a vegetarian:
A veggie diet is said to provide a more healthful form of iron than from a meat-based diet. Studies have shown that heme iron found in red meat can give you an increased risk of colon and rectal cancer, and that vegetarian sources of iron like greens and beans contain non-heme iron. 

A vegetarian diet conserves water. Try digesting this information.. It takes around 2,500 gallons of water to produce only one pound of beef, and around 660 gallons of water to make a pound of chicken. That's a lot of water right? It only takes 220 gallons to make a pound of tofu and 180 to make a pound of wheat flour.

It has been said that it is cruel to unethically kill animals for food when vegetarian options are available. People argue that animals, as well as humans, have emotions and social connections. Studies have shown that cattle, pigs, chickens and all warm-blooded animals can experience pain, stress and fear. People believe animals should not have to die to satisfy an unnecessary dietary preference. In the United States alone around 35 million cows, 9 billion birds and 115 million pigs are killed for food each year. 

Now onto my cons on becoming a vegetarian:
Eating meat is a natural part of the cycle of life, it is not cruel or unethical. Every organism on this planet dies or is killed at some point so other organisms can live. It is how nature works. 

Becoming a vegetarian can cause the death of animals too. A study by Steven Davis shows about six animals per acre, or 52-77% of the animals that live in agricultural crap fields are killed during harvest. These are mainly birds, mice and rabbits. 

Meat isthe the most convenient source of protein available. In a single serving of meat it provides all the essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and B vitamins. 

They are the pros and cons of becoming a vegetarian. I have always wanted to become a vegetarian, and I am very aware of how animals all over the world are treated for their meat source. It is difficult for me to make a final decision on confirming whether I should become vegetarian or not as it would affect my families lifestyle greatly. I understand both sides, however I am not totally convinced with the statement "it is not cruel or unethical" as I have seen so  many videos showing me different. 

The meat industry is very cruel which is why I have pondered over this subject for many years now. I hope this has helped or given an insight on different perspectives of becoming a vegetarian. 

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Thank you,
Emily :)

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