Emily Prosser: Benefits Of Water

Thursday 19 February 2015

Benefits Of Water

I haven't posted on my blog for a while now as I have been studying for my A-Levels, however I am back and to set me off I'm going to be talking about the benefits of water.

Image result for water

I'm not a massive water drinker and I used to drink very little throughout the day, even if I was being active I still didn't drink enough to keep me going. I soon started experiencing headaches, tiredness, I couldn't exercise for very long and I became very lazy and didn't really want to do anything. 

Whenever I used to go to a friends house I would decline drinks or whenever I went out for a meal I would only usually get through one drink which would be coke most of the time. I was always being told that I didn't drink enough and it has really started to show now that I'm older.

My skin was very dry, which didn't concern me too much as I thought my dry skin was the cause of my eczema and I became very spotty. For an eighteen year old this isn't great as I wanted to look more mature and not spotty like I used to look. 

I soon came to the realization that it wasn't eczema that was making my face so dry and it was never itchy and patchy like it usually is on my hands. I knew then that I could prevent it and stop my skin from looking so lifeless and dull.

I opted to setting myself the task of drinking more water and after two weeks the results started to show. I know it sounds so cliche but my skin has improved dramatically! I still have the odd spot as I am coming up to exams, and that is stressful enough. The water also filled me up between meals so I found that I snacked less throughout the day. My headaches have totally gone which is brilliant as I can now get on with work rather than constantly wanting to throw myself out of the window!

I feel that drinking water for me has benefited me in numerous ways and has helped me improve my appearance, fitness and concentration.

If you are like me I am going to give a few little tips on how to consume more water throughout the day to improve your life and also share little facts on why water makes you as a person awesome!

Water will improve your mood. By drinking water it makes you feel refreshed so it actually improves your state of mind. Mild dehydration has shown negative impacts on your mood so get drinking that water!

Water aids weight loss. You have probably heard this so many times but trust me it works. For me it filled me up which meant less snacking which lead to me loosing quite a bit of weight. The facts are that if you drink a glass of water before a meal you are more likely to lose weight compared to a person who doesn't drink a glass before a meal. The H2O helps us eat less and gives us that full up feeling. It also boosts your metabolism which aids weight loss further.

It energizes us. Feeling tired is one of the first signs of dehydration so by drinking a glass of water it could zap the tiredness right out of you!

It prevents pain. Aches, strains and pains mainly feel worse when you are dehydrated. By re-hydrating yourself you could find those little pains will go away and wont bother you for sometime.   

Here are some ways that helped motivate me to drink more.

Keep a bottle of water in your bag throughout the day. I found that when I had my bottle with me I felt like I had to finish the bottle. By thinking this way it increased my intake and I found myself refilling my bottle more and more as the process went on. 

After a minute of exercise, stop and drink. This method helped me loads as I would do intense bursts of exercise for a minute followed by an intake of water. This helped increase my intake significantly as the water helped cool my body down and made me feel more energized to carry on a do more. This staggered my routine and got me drinking more efficiently. 

Set yourself a goal. I recently discovered the Evian 2L bottles, which is the right amount of water you should be drinking daily. Like I said from my first point by having a bottle with me it will make me want to finish the whole bottle before the day is done. By having the daily intake in one place means I can monitor how much I have drank so far and how much I will need to drink to complete my goal.

I would highly recommend the Evian 2L bottles as you can keep refilling the bottle after every day without having to repurchase another. I got my bottle for under a pound from my local Co-op so they are not even going to break the bank and they are great for motivating you.

This post may seem a little rushed and I'm sorry if it does, I don't have much time at the moment but I do want to continue blogging.

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Thank you

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