Emily Prosser: Bad Habits

Thursday 19 February 2015

Bad Habits

We all have bad habits, especially when we are bored and find that we have nothing to do. We even show signs of bad habits when we are occupied, the best example is when we are watching the TV! I often find myself snacking, biting my nails and doing all sorts of things that I didn't know I did subconsciously that might annoy the people around me or make me look like a total fool in public!!

I'm going to be sharing the most common habits we all share and little ways you might find easy to overcome them!

Snacking! Even when your not hungry. Lets face it, we all snack even if we think its just one packet of crisps, until you realize you have gotten through two bars of chocolate, three packets of crisps and a large bag of popcorn!  We you think about it you are adding on unnecessary calories that you don't need to add on. Snacking makes you lose touch with your natural hunger satisfaction signals and by doing this you can overeat by a considerable amount making your lifestyle unhealthy, and in the long run snacking on a regular basis could damage your health significantly. With determination anyone can overcome this habit, all you need to do is reverse it!! Replace junk food with real food, swap out your crisps with carrot sticks. Don't mindlessly eat because you want to, get in touch with your body and ask yourself if you really need to eat more food when you already feel full.

Eating way too much fast food! Personally I find staying away from fast food is easy as I have totally cut Mcdonalds and KFC out of my diet completely! The reason for this is that I consider it to be very unnatural and the meat in these fast food branches are not quite what you think they are. I'm not going to go fully into detail about this but I do not crave fast food anymore as my body now prefers real foods. I have also noticed that by consuming less fast food I am able to maintain a stable weight. Fast food is also very unhealthy and can lead to multiple health problems if consumed daily. We often find ourselves having fast food on holidays if we cant be bothered to cook or after school/work when you have other things to do and think the easiest option is to grab something from your local Mcdonalds! To overcome this make your own food or pop to your local store as they will have healthier a fresher foods there.

Skipping breakfast. We all have them days when we wake up late and need to rush out of the house to get to work, school or to catch a bus to wherever you might be going! By doing this we often forget to have breakfast or think we will be fine without it and just leave the house regardless. However breakfast is very important. Munching on a piece of toast or crunching a bowl of branflakes signals to your metabolism that its time to kick things up a notch. Skipping the fuel keeps your metabolism running low, which can lead to weight gain and sluggishness. If you find your self rushing in the morning to get out of the house prepare a on the go food that you can eat travelling to your destination. This means you are still having the most important meal of the day, just not at home.

Biting fingernails. We all do this and it is incredibly annoying to others around us. Biting our nails could be triggered by us feeling anxious or worried but we most commonly do it when we are concentrating on something like the TV or our computer screens. All I can really say about this is to plainly resist temptation and bite the inside of your lip rather than your nails. By biting you nails you could also damage them and I know I would rather have nice nails than horrible looking ones!

Facebook. I bet right now you have Facebook or some sort of social media site opened up in a different tab while you are reading this. We cannot help feeling that we need to share our lives with others and it is all down to the social status we have with out friends and acquaintances. Every time I log onto a computer I always have to check my Facebook as it just comes naturally to me and I like seeing what other people are up to. There is nothing that can be done about this as it is plainly something that we all do and in some cases that we cant resist doing.

Smartphones. Everybody these days are obsessed with their phones! IPhones and many other type of smart phone are all the range right now, we just cant get enough. I think the reason being is that they basically do everything we want them to do. However I think we have become too obsessed with our phones as you see more people walking down the street with a phone in their hand than with somebody else. If we all put our phones down and talked with other people we would get a greater social interaction than by texting or talking over the phone.

Sleeping with makeup on. Many of us girls do this if we are extra tired and just doze of without realizing. However whatever the reason might be this is actually damaging to the skin as it can lead to clogged pores and spots! And lets face it, we try so hard to get rid of them why not just remember to remove the makeup and prevent those nasty spots for longer!

So those were a few habits that are most common all over the world. Go check out some of my other posts if you liked this one!

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Thank you

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